Lars Grinde.



      We are shocked and very sad of the news that El Junta de Castilla y León is banning the killing of the Toro de la Vega. They are turning down their own history and culture.

     What a shame! El Torneo de la Vega should instead been declared as a part of the Castillan cultural patrimonio. We’re also ashamed of those aficionados de toros and taurinos who are applauding the decision. They don’t care about the old taurine culture and traditions.

     The ”modern” La Corrida de Toros is no more than a stage in the developing of the culture of tauromaquia. 16 000 events of Festejos Populares are held around the country every year and El Torneo del Toro de la Vega is the oldest one and quite unique.

      This old tradition fascinated us here in Oslo so much, we decided to choose Tordesillas and El Torneo del Toro de la Vega in September 2013 for the celebration of our 25th anniversary of Peña Taurina Noruega. We have all very good memories of the friendliness and hospitality we received of all new friends in Tordesillas, El Alcalde de Tordesillas and in particular you brave members of El Patronato del Toro de la Vega.

We are honouring and respecting your struggle for the Castillan culture and traditions.

Saludos Lars Grinde. President of Peña Taurina Noruega

Patronato del Toro de la Vega. Tordesillas (Valladolid)